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Shabbath Tzav - Parah

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Shabbath Tzav - Parah

  • Thank you to our kiddush sponsors this week Anat and Charlie Rejwan, leilui nishmat Zion Cohen ben Gourgei v' Moredhai z'l, Anat's father. Thank you and hayiim aruchiim.
  • Young hazanoute programme is running at full speed. £100 voucher reward to the young boys that will commit to prepare and read an haftara or a couple of Alyot for post BM (please contact Rabbi Fhima for booking and preparation)
  • Minha erev shabbath starting at 18.05. Full details in the table below
  • If you want to sponsor a Kidush in the coming weeks please contact or Marc Touboul (07725 448 773). Please do book as early as possible to avoid disappointment as the calendar is filling up quickly

Weekly Programme

  • Shaharit: Sunday (08.00), Monday & Thursday (06.50), Rest of the week (07.00)
  • Arvit: 19.30

Learning programme

  • Sunday 09.00: Parasha with croissant
  • Monday 19.30: chavrota with pizza
  • Ladies shiurim on Monday 19.00 and Thursday 09.30 (registration on 07872 178 975)

Thanks all for your generosity in shabbath aliyot auctions. To settle outstanding pledges and / or memberships promptly please see details on:



Minha & Kabbalath Shabbath: 18.05


Shaharith: 09.00

Minha: 18.00

Arbith Mosaei Shabbath: 19.22


Shabbath Shalom





Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784