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Membership  5784

Please note and click on the following 4 links for Membership Information, Gift Aid Declaration, Standing Order & High Holiday Seating / payment Forms:

Membership & Community Letter of Anshei Shalom for 5784 (2023-24)

Dear Kahal HaKadosh

We are approaching the end of another successful year at Anshei Shalom, providing daily minyanim, a rich learning programme and initiatives such as the popular Ladies shiurim, Avot u Banim and the Monday Night hevruta learning.

Incredibly we are in our 21st year; the values we projected in Year 1 remain relevant today. We are delighted that the post-Covid recovery saw us achieving record Shabbath attendances and more new faces. Our daily minyan services have also recovered. We still need you to continue to support us, by attending, by joining as members and by giving. We do not have the resources to continue without your support and we now need it more than ever.

Our costs over the past year have increased across the board, mainly due to inflationary pressures and we need your financial support to continue. So please do all you can to show your connection and support for us by taking out a membership and also do please keep those donations flowing. In addition, the weekly Shabbath auctions and the sponsorship of kiddushim all make a real difference to our on-going viability. All your support is truly appreciated.

After over 10 years without any increases, we have decided to increase the suggested donation amounts for memberships and High Holiday seating. Please find all our updated membership and High Holyday seat reservation forms on our web site: http://www.anshei- If you pay by standing order, please update the amounts with your bank.

For all the ways to donate to us, please see:

We need to thank Rabbi Fhima for his dedication, including the weekly Shabbath walks from Golders Green. We are also grateful to our hazzan Raphael Berdugo for his contribution and we wish him and his family well on their move to Paris. I must thank my fellow trustees Haskell Elias and Aaron Nejad and also to Marc Touboul for all their support and help. We do need more people stepping forwards who can devote an hour a week on a regular basis.

On behalf of the whole Kehilah, we would like to thank you for your continued support and to wish you and your family only good health, S’machoth and Berachoth for 5784.

Tizku l’shaniim raboth and Thank You!

With warmest regards

Bob Hayim - Trustee
For and on behalf of Anshei Shalom: Rabbi E Fhima
Haskell Elias – Trustee
Aaron Nejad - Trustee

בס!ד 22 Av 5783

9th August 2023
Registered in England Charity Number 110091




Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784