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Membership  5785


Membership & Community Letter of Anshei Shalom for 5785 (2024-25)

Dear Kahal HaKadosh

5784 has been a trying and difficult year in many respects. Anshei Shalom has been a needed source of support and serenity for our community in these times of turmoil. Since Simhat Torah, in October, we have been actively involved in providing spiritual and material help to our brothers in Israel thanks to your tremendous kindness and generosity. Through your partnership and your help, Anshei Shalom continues to fulfill its mission of providing of positive and vibrant spiritual and social place of torah for our families and the broader north-west London Jewish community.

Youth, a key focus and source of our success over the years, has continue to thrive at Anshei in 5784 with many bar and bat mitsvot celebrated and a meaningful increase in attendance from young students and professionals. In addition, this past year has probably seen a record in births, a testament to the inherent strength and growth in our community which is expected to continue judging by the pipeline of weddings we are expecting, B’H.

We want to continue to grow and promote the torah values of authentic orthodox sefaradi Judaism that have been at the core of Anshei Shalom since its creation 22 years ago. In addition to our ongoing services (daily minyan and Shabbath services) and learning programme (weekly havruta, ladies shiurim, avot u’banim), we are planning a number of exciting initiatives around young professionals, enhancement to our learning programme and more frequent communal events. To cater for our vibrant, young and eager to grow community we need your support more than ever by attending, by joining as members and by giving.

Our costs over the past year have increased across the board driven by continued investment to improve what we offer to the community (hazanout, kidoushim, events) as well as the overall inflation we have all experienced. As communicated in our townhall in July 2024, our annual budget now stands at c. £250k with very little room for maneuver as more than 75% of our costs are fixed. The annual membership together with the Yamim Noraim pledges represent the vast majority of our annual source of funding which are critical in order to meet our budget. We need your financial support to continue. Despite experiencing those increases we have kept our membership tier levels unchanged this year as we know everyone is experiencing this pain. So please do all you can to show your connection and support by taking out a membership and by being as generous as you possibly can. All your support is truly appreciated.

Membership Tier Suggested Minimum Contribution

Young professionals & Students (below 28 year old)







This year we have embedded our membership forms on the website so make sure that you fill in and submit the form below including ticking the Gift Aid Declaration. For all the ways to donate to us and to settle your memberships please visit If you pay by standing order please update the amounts with your bank.

To book your seats for the Yamim Noraim, please visit and secure your place as soon as feasible as capacity is limited.

On behalf of the whole Kehilah, we would like to thank you for your continued support and to wish you and your family only good health, S’machoth and Berachoth for 5785.

Tizku l’shaniim raboth and Thank You!

With warmest regards

Bob Hayim - Trustee

For and on behalf of Anshei Shalom:

Rabbi E Fhima

Haskell Elias – Trustee

Aaron Nejad - Trustee

Donation (select relevant membership)


Registered in England Charity Number 1100912




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Wed, 15 January 2025 15 Tevet 5785